Progress... Maybe?
January 13, 2008

Here are some pictures of our progress.

One of the upstairs bedrooms after we pulled the carpet out.

Out the door of the same room.

Looking down the stairs after removing carpet and wallpaper.

The other upstairs bedroom after carpet removal.

The den after taking paneling down. We also pulled the trim from
around the window to get a better look at how it was installed.
Someone installed it a little strangely...

Living room after patching all the nail holes left behind from the paneling.

Kitchen. We're semi moved in... We'll tackle this project later...

Looking the other direction in the kitchen into the utility room with
the furnace, water heater, and laundry.

Our storage facility. Oh, wait... I think that's the family room. The kitchen is behind the boxes.

Looking from the kitchen.

The shop after we moved boxes out of the family room to make some more room.

The back yard and all the strange structures that were added to the house and garage. We'll be
tearing most of that down.